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Configuring Synchronization Profile

General Filters

First you will need to choose what data in Akeneo you are going to synchronize.

You have to select the Channel (Scope) and Locale of your data.

You can also filter the number of your products by selecting the category filter.

Everything in the selected category and it's children will be synchronized to Linnworks.

  • Note: There is a product counter below the Category Filter, which shows the total number of products being surfaced by your selected filter.


Generally there are 3 types of mappings you can apply:

  1. Price
  2. Title
  3. Description

Price Mapping

Price Mapping defines which attribute data in Akeneo should map to your Linnworks Product.

  • Akeneo Attribute: drop-down contains all of your Akeneo attributes that can be used as price.
  • Target: drop down defines where this data should go.
  • Purchase Price: This option synchronizes your product's Akeneo Attribute value to your Linnworks Purchase Price.
  • Retails Price: This option will copy your product's Akeneo Attribute value to your Linnworks Retail Price.
  • Channel: By selecting this option, you can map the product's Akeneo Attribute value to a specific channel's price, depending on the channels you have. After selecting this option, another drop down will appear which shows the List of your channels in Linnworks. Then you can select the channel which will receive this data. For example, if you have an Amazon Integration, you can select your Amazon channel and map prices to surface in your Amazon channel's price.
  • Currency: This is the currency of price in your Akeneo Attribute

You can add several price mappings and map several Akeneo Attributes to multiple channels or other product prices.

Profile Price Mapping

Title Mapping

Title Mapping allows you to map any Akeneo Attribute value to be used as Title in Linnworks

  • Akeneo Attribute: The drop-down contains all of your Akeneo attributes that can be used as title.
  • Target: This drop down defines where this data should go.
  • Item Title: This option will copy the Akeneo Attribute value to be used as main Products title.
  • Channel: This option will map the Akeneo Attribute value to the desired channel. For example, selecting the Amazon channel will map the value to be used as Title on your Amazon Channel.

You can add several title mappings to map several different Akeneo Attributes to multiple channels.

Profile Title Mapping

Description Mapping

Description Mapping allows you to map any Akeneo Attribute value to be used as Description in Linnworks.

  • Akeneo Attribute: This drop down contains all of your Akeneo attributes which can be used as description.
  • Target: This drop down defines where this data should go.
  • Metadata: This option will copy Akeneo Attribute value to be used as main Product metadata property.
  • Channel: This option will map the Akeneo Attribute value to the desired channel. For example, when choosing Amazon channel, it will replace the Amazon's channel's Description.

Profile Description Mapping

Product Settings

  • Custom Identifier: In rare situations where you want to map Akeneo products to your Linnworks product by another attribute other than the default Akeneo defined attribute, you can change this switch to Use custom attribute, then select an Attribute from the drop-box below (Mapping Identifier). Please note that if you use a non-unique attribute and two of your products have duplicate values, it could cause to overwrite the product data. You can also set the Fallback switch to Fallback to default identifier if you expect to map products without the selected identifier, otherwise, keep the Fallback switch in the Ignore product state.
  • Product Creation If you turn on this switch, new products will be sent from Akeneo and created in Linnworks. If you turn this off, only existing products in Linnworks will be updated with Akeneo data. When switched off, no new SKU in Akeneo will be created in Linnworks.
  • Images When the switch is set to Do not Upload Images, no images will be sent to Linnworks. In order to synchronize your Images, change the switch to Upload Images.
  • Main Image This drop down gives you the option to select your Linnworks' Product main Image.
  • Barcode This setting will replace your Linnworks' Product Barcode.
  • Width , Height, Depth and Weight are the Linnworks' Dimension Properties in Postage Definition section. you can map them to a Metric value matching your Linnworks Postage Definition.

Note: You can leave any of these options empty. When empty, no data will be sent.

Extended Properties

This section allows you to control what extended properties are being synchronized to Linnworks and control their names.

  • Map All Attributes in Akeneo This will copy all product attributes of the Akeneo product as Linnworks product Extended Property.
  • Extended Properties Prefix You can define a prefix for All attributes created in Linnworks from Akeneo. If you do not want a prefix added to your Akeneo-created Extended Properties, leave this value blank.

Save your profile

After you have finished configuring your Synchronization Profile, you need to save the profile.

Click on the save button.

Run Profile

The connector will update your Linnworks data periodically, thus you do not need to Run the profile manually. Make sure the integration is enabled only on the connection page. If you want to force updates manually, click on the Run Now button.

Note: You will need to use Akeneo as your data source for selected mappings such as titles and descriptions and not changing them in Linnworks since they will be replaced. Connector will always update the delta changes happening in Akeneo every few minutes. If you change a product value in Linnworks, it may not update immediately. You can always Run Profile manually in these scenarios.

After clicking Run Now your request will be queued and will run soon. (It might not be in the real time)